Word startup ignored?
(too old to reply)
Merijn Vandenabeele
2005-11-21 09:16:46 UTC

we've written a Word add-in and installed it in {WordPath}\Startup so it
loads at word startup. This has been working for a year and now we have some
cases in which this directory is ignored. Is this a known issue?

Charles Kenyon
2005-11-21 15:48:13 UTC
In the situation where it is being ignored, what is the setting for the
Startup folder under Tools > Options > File Locations?
Charles Kenyon

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Post by Merijn Vandenabeele
we've written a Word add-in and installed it in {WordPath}\Startup so it
loads at word startup. This has been working for a year and now we have
some cases in which this directory is ignored. Is this a known issue?